Basic Svelte
Classes and styles
Advanced Svelte
Advanced reactivity
Advanced bindings
Advanced transitions
Context API
Special elements
<script module>
Next steps
Basic SvelteKit
Loading data
Headers and cookies
Shared modules
API routes
Errors and redirects
Advanced SvelteKit
Page options
Link options
Advanced routing
Advanced loading
Environment variables
Normally, event handlers run during the bubbling phase. Notice what happens if you type something into the <input>
in this example — the inner handler runs first, as the event ‘bubbles’ from the target up to the document, followed by the outer handler.
Sometimes, you want handlers to run during the capture phase instead. Add capture
to the end of the event name:
<div onkeydowncapture={(e) => alert(`<div> ${e.key}`)} role="presentation">
<input onkeydowncapture={(e) => alert(`<input> ${e.key}`)} />
Now, the relative order is reversed. If both capturing and non-capturing handlers exist for a given event, the capturing handlers will run first.
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<div onkeydown={(e) => alert(`<div> ${e.key}`)} role="presentation">
<input onkeydown={(e) => alert(`<input> ${e.key}`)} />