Create new
Component composition
Context API
Special elements
Module context
This component is not in runes mode.
To enable runes mode, either start using runes in your code, or add the following to the top of your component:
<svelte:options runes />
import Form from "@svelteschool/svelte-forms";
let values;
<Form bind:values>
placeholder="First name"
name="firstName" />
placeholder="Last name"
name="lastName" />
<input placeholder="Enter email" type="email" name="email" />
<input placeholder="Phone Number" type="numeric" name="phone" />
<div class="input">
<label>What are your favorite movies?</label>
<input id="m1" type="checkbox" name="movies" value="Space Jam" />
<label for="m1">Space Jam</label>
<input id="m2" type="checkbox" name="movies" value="Home Alone" />
<label for="m2">Home Alone</label>
<input id="m3" type="checkbox" name="movies" value="Frozen" />
<label for="m3">Frozen</label>
import 'svelte/internal/disclose-version';
import 'svelte/internal/flags/legacy';
import * as $ from 'svelte/internal/client';
import Form from "@svelteschool/svelte-forms";
var root_1 = $.template(`<fieldset class="svelte-gkh6p"><input placeholder="First name" type="text" name="firstName"> <input placeholder="Last name" type="text" name="lastName"></fieldset> <fieldset class="svelte-gkh6p"><input placeholder="Enter email" type="email" name="email"> <input placeholder="Phone Number" type="numeric" name="phone"></fieldset> <div class="input"><label class="svelte-gkh6p">What are your favorite movies?</label> <ul class="svelte-gkh6p"><li class="svelte-gkh6p"><input id="m1" type="checkbox" name="movies" value="Space Jam"> <label for="m1" class="svelte-gkh6p">Space Jam</label></li> <li class="svelte-gkh6p"><input id="m2" type="checkbox" name="movies" value="Home Alone"> <label for="m2" class="svelte-gkh6p">Home Alone</label></li> <li class="svelte-gkh6p"><input id="m3" type="checkbox" name="movies" value="Frozen"> <label for="m3" class="svelte-gkh6p">Frozen</label></li> <li class="svelte-gkh6p"><input id="m4" type="checkbox" name="movies" value="Star Wars"> <label for="m4" class="svelte-gkh6p">Star Wars</label></li></ul></div> <label for="topping" class="svelte-gkh6p">Select topping:</label> <select id="topping" name="topping"><option>Cream</option><option>Chocolate</option><option>Maple Syrup</option></select>`, 1);
var root = $.template(`<!> <pre> </pre> <button>Check 'dat two-way binding!</button>`, 1);
export default function App($$anchor) {
let values = $.mutable_state();
var fragment = root();
var node = $.first_child(fragment);
Form(node, {
get values() {
return $.get(values);
set values($$value) {
$.set(values, $$value);
children: ($$anchor, $$slotProps) => {
var fragment_1 = root_1();
var select = $.sibling($.first_child(fragment_1), 8);
var option = $.child(select);
option.value = null == (option.__value = 'Cream') ? '' : 'Cream';
var option_1 = $.sibling(option);
option_1.value = null == (option_1.__value = 'Chocolate') ? '' : 'Chocolate';
var option_2 = $.sibling(option_1);
option_2.value = null == (option_2.__value = 'Maple Syrup') ? '' : 'Maple Syrup';
$.append($$anchor, fragment_1);
result = svelte.compile(source, {
generate: ,
label.svelte-gkh6p {
display: inline;
ul.svelte-gkh6p {
list-style: none;
display: flex;
padding: 0;
li.svelte-gkh6p {
padding: 0 10px;
fieldset.svelte-gkh6p {
padding: 10px 0;
border: none;
Root {
css: StyleSheet {...}
- type: "StyleSheet"
- start: 1544
- end: 1729
- attributes: []
children: [...] (4)
Rule {...}
- type: "Rule"
prelude: SelectorList {...}
- type: "SelectorList"
- start: 1553
- end: 1558
children: [...] (1)
ComplexSelector {...}
- type: "ComplexSelector"
- start: 1553
- end: 1558
children: [...] (1)
RelativeSelector {...}
- type: "RelativeSelector"
- combinator: null
selectors: [...] (1)
TypeSelector {...}
- type: "TypeSelector"
- name: "label"
- start: 1553
- end: 1558
]- start: 1553
- end: 1558
}block: Block {...}
- type: "Block"
- start: 1559
- end: 1582
children: [...] (1)
Declaration {...}
- type: "Declaration"
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- end: 1578
- property: "display"
- value: "inline"
}- start: 1553
- end: 1582
} Rule {...}
- type: "Rule"
prelude: SelectorList {...}
- type: "SelectorList"
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- end: 1586
children: [...] (1)
ComplexSelector {...}
- type: "ComplexSelector"
- start: 1584
- end: 1586
children: [...] (1)
RelativeSelector {...}
- type: "RelativeSelector"
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selectors: [...] (1)
TypeSelector {...}
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- end: 1586
]- start: 1584
- end: 1586
}block: Block {...}
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children: [...] (3)
Declaration {...}
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- value: "none"
} Declaration {...}
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- value: "flex"
} Declaration {...}
- type: "Declaration"
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- end: 1638
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- value: "0"
}- start: 1584
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} Rule {...}
- type: "Rule"
prelude: SelectorList {...}
- type: "SelectorList"
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- end: 1646
children: [...] (1)
ComplexSelector {...}
- type: "ComplexSelector"
- start: 1644
- end: 1646
children: [...] (1)
RelativeSelector {...}
- type: "RelativeSelector"
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selectors: [...] (1)
TypeSelector {...}
- type: "TypeSelector"
- name: "li"
- start: 1644
- end: 1646
]- start: 1644
- end: 1646
}block: Block {...}
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- start: 1647
- end: 1670
children: [...] (1)
Declaration {...}
- type: "Declaration"
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- end: 1666
- property: "padding"
- value: "0 10px"
}- start: 1644
- end: 1670
} Rule {...}
- type: "Rule"
prelude: SelectorList {...}
- type: "SelectorList"
- start: 1672
- end: 1680
children: [...] (1)
ComplexSelector {...}
- type: "ComplexSelector"
- start: 1672
- end: 1680
children: [...] (1)
RelativeSelector {...}
- type: "RelativeSelector"
- combinator: null
selectors: [...] (1)
TypeSelector {...}
- type: "TypeSelector"
- name: "fieldset"
- start: 1672
- end: 1680
]- start: 1672
- end: 1680
}block: Block {...}
- type: "Block"
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- end: 1720
children: [...] (2)
Declaration {...}
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- property: "padding"
- value: "10px 0"
} Declaration {...}
- type: "Declaration"
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- end: 1716
- property: "border"
- value: "none"
}- start: 1672
- end: 1720
]content: {...}
- start: 1551
- end: 1721
- styles: "\n\tlabel {\n\t\tdisplay: inline;\n\t}\n\tul {\n\t\tlist-style: none;\n\t\tdisplay: flex;\n\t\tpadding: 0;\n\t}\n\tli {\n\t\tpadding: 0 10px;\n\t}\n\tfieldset {\n\t\tpadding: 10px 0;\n\t\tborder: none;\n\t}\n"
- comment: null
}- js: []
- start: 83
- end: 1542
- type: "Root"
fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (7)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 81
- end: 83
- raw: "\n\n"
- data: "\n\n"
} Component {...}
- type: "Component"
- start: 83
- end: 1359
- name: "Form"
attributes: [...] (1)
BindDirective {...}
- start: 89
- end: 100
- type: "BindDirective"
- name: "values"
expression: Identifier {...}
- start: 94
- end: 100
- type: "Identifier"
- name: "values"
}- modifiers: []
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (11)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 101
- end: 104
- raw: "\n "
- data: "\n "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 104
- end: 298
- name: "fieldset"
attributes: [...] (1)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: -1
- end: -1
- name: "class"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- data: ""
- raw: ""
- start: -1
- end: -1
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (5)
Text {...}
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- data: "\n "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 119
- end: 200
- name: "input"
attributes: [...] (3)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 132
- end: 156
- name: "placeholder"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 145
- end: 155
- type: "Text"
- raw: "First name"
- data: "First name"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 163
- end: 174
- name: "type"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 169
- end: 173
- type: "Text"
- raw: "text"
- data: "text"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 181
- end: 197
- name: "name"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 187
- end: 196
- type: "Text"
- raw: "firstName"
- data: "firstName"
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
- nodes: []
} Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 200
- end: 205
- raw: " "
- data: " "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 205
- end: 284
- name: "input"
attributes: [...] (3)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
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- end: 241
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value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 231
- end: 240
- type: "Text"
- raw: "Last name"
- data: "Last name"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 248
- end: 259
- name: "type"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 254
- end: 258
- type: "Text"
- raw: "text"
- data: "text"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 266
- end: 281
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value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 272
- end: 280
- type: "Text"
- raw: "lastName"
- data: "lastName"
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
- nodes: []
} Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 284
- end: 287
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- data: "\n "
} Text {...}
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- raw: " "
- data: " "
} RegularElement {...}
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- start: 301
- end: 458
- name: "fieldset"
attributes: [...] (1)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: -1
- end: -1
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value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- data: ""
- raw: ""
- start: -1
- end: -1
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (5)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 311
- end: 316
- raw: "\n "
- data: "\n "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 316
- end: 377
- name: "input"
attributes: [...] (3)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 323
- end: 348
- name: "placeholder"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 336
- end: 347
- type: "Text"
- raw: "Enter email"
- data: "Enter email"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 349
- end: 361
- name: "type"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 355
- end: 360
- type: "Text"
- raw: "email"
- data: "email"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 362
- end: 374
- name: "name"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 368
- end: 373
- type: "Text"
- raw: "email"
- data: "email"
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
- nodes: []
} Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 377
- end: 380
- raw: " "
- data: " "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 380
- end: 444
- name: "input"
attributes: [...] (3)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 387
- end: 413
- name: "placeholder"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 400
- end: 412
- type: "Text"
- raw: "Phone Number"
- data: "Phone Number"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 414
- end: 428
- name: "type"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 420
- end: 427
- type: "Text"
- raw: "numeric"
- data: "numeric"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 429
- end: 441
- name: "name"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 435
- end: 440
- type: "Text"
- raw: "phone"
- data: "phone"
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
- nodes: []
} Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 444
- end: 447
- raw: "\n "
- data: "\n "
} Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 458
- end: 461
- raw: " "
- data: " "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 461
- end: 1110
- name: "div"
attributes: [...] (1)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 466
- end: 479
- name: "class"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 473
- end: 478
- type: "Text"
- raw: "input"
- data: "input"
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (5)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 480
- end: 485
- raw: "\n "
- data: "\n "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 485
- end: 530
- name: "label"
attributes: [...] (1)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: -1
- end: -1
- name: "class"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- data: ""
- raw: ""
- start: -1
- end: -1
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 492
- end: 522
- raw: "What are your favorite movies?"
- data: "What are your favorite movies?"
} Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 530
- end: 535
- raw: " "
- data: " "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 535
- end: 1101
- name: "ul"
attributes: [...] (1)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: -1
- end: -1
- name: "class"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- data: ""
- raw: ""
- start: -1
- end: -1
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (9)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 539
- end: 546
- raw: "\n "
- data: "\n "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 546
- end: 678
- name: "li"
attributes: [...] (1)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: -1
- end: -1
- name: "class"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- data: ""
- raw: ""
- start: -1
- end: -1
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (5)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 550
- end: 559
- raw: "\n "
- data: "\n "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 559
- end: 624
- name: "input"
attributes: [...] (4)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 566
- end: 573
- name: "id"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 570
- end: 572
- type: "Text"
- raw: "m1"
- data: "m1"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 574
- end: 589
- name: "type"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 580
- end: 588
- type: "Text"
- raw: "checkbox"
- data: "checkbox"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 590
- end: 603
- name: "name"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 596
- end: 602
- type: "Text"
- raw: "movies"
- data: "movies"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 604
- end: 621
- name: "value"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 611
- end: 620
- type: "Text"
- raw: "Space Jam"
- data: "Space Jam"
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
- nodes: []
} Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 624
- end: 633
- raw: " "
- data: " "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 633
- end: 666
- name: "label"
attributes: [...] (2)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 640
- end: 648
- name: "for"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 645
- end: 647
- type: "Text"
- raw: "m1"
- data: "m1"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: -1
- end: -1
- name: "class"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- data: ""
- raw: ""
- start: -1
- end: -1
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 649
- end: 658
- raw: "Space Jam"
- data: "Space Jam"
} Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 666
- end: 673
- raw: "\n "
- data: "\n "
} Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 678
- end: 685
- raw: " "
- data: " "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 685
- end: 819
- name: "li"
attributes: [...] (1)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: -1
- end: -1
- name: "class"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- data: ""
- raw: ""
- start: -1
- end: -1
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (5)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 689
- end: 698
- raw: "\n "
- data: "\n "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 698
- end: 764
- name: "input"
attributes: [...] (4)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 705
- end: 712
- name: "id"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 709
- end: 711
- type: "Text"
- raw: "m2"
- data: "m2"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 713
- end: 728
- name: "type"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 719
- end: 727
- type: "Text"
- raw: "checkbox"
- data: "checkbox"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 729
- end: 742
- name: "name"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 735
- end: 741
- type: "Text"
- raw: "movies"
- data: "movies"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 743
- end: 761
- name: "value"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 750
- end: 760
- type: "Text"
- raw: "Home Alone"
- data: "Home Alone"
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
- nodes: []
} Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 764
- end: 773
- raw: " "
- data: " "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 773
- end: 807
- name: "label"
attributes: [...] (2)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 780
- end: 788
- name: "for"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 785
- end: 787
- type: "Text"
- raw: "m2"
- data: "m2"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: -1
- end: -1
- name: "class"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- data: ""
- raw: ""
- start: -1
- end: -1
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 789
- end: 799
- raw: "Home Alone"
- data: "Home Alone"
} Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 807
- end: 814
- raw: "\n "
- data: "\n "
} Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 819
- end: 826
- raw: " "
- data: " "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 826
- end: 952
- name: "li"
attributes: [...] (1)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: -1
- end: -1
- name: "class"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- data: ""
- raw: ""
- start: -1
- end: -1
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (5)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 830
- end: 839
- raw: "\n "
- data: "\n "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 839
- end: 901
- name: "input"
attributes: [...] (4)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 846
- end: 853
- name: "id"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 850
- end: 852
- type: "Text"
- raw: "m3"
- data: "m3"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 854
- end: 869
- name: "type"
value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 860
- end: 868
- type: "Text"
- raw: "checkbox"
- data: "checkbox"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 870
- end: 883
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value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 876
- end: 882
- type: "Text"
- raw: "movies"
- data: "movies"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 884
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The AST is not public API and may change at any point in time