Create new
Component composition
Context API
Special elements
Module context
This component is in runes mode.
To disable runes mode, add the following to the top of your component:
<svelte:options runes={false} />
import Thing from './Thing.svelte';
let things = $state([
{ id: 1, color: 'darkblue' },
{ id: 2, color: 'indigo' },
{ id: 3, color: 'deeppink' },
{ id: 4, color: 'salmon' },
{ id: 5, color: 'gold' }
function handleClick() {
things = things.slice(1);
<button onclick={handleClick}> Remove first thing </button>
<div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr; grid-gap: 1em">
{#each things as thing (}
<Thing current={thing.color} />
{#each things as thing}
<Thing current={thing.color} />
Error compiling component
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(): value type opcode @+13
import 'svelte/internal/disclose-version';
import * as $ from 'svelte/internal/client';
import Thing from './Thing.svelte';
function handleClick(_, things) {
$.set(things, $.proxy($.get(things).slice(1)));
var root = $.template(`<button>Remove first thing</button> <div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr; grid-gap: 1em"><div><h2>Keyed</h2> <!></div> <div><h2>Unkeyed</h2> <!></div></div>`, 1);
export default function App($$anchor) {
let things = $.state($.proxy([
{ id: 1, color: 'darkblue' },
{ id: 2, color: 'indigo' },
{ id: 3, color: 'deeppink' },
{ id: 4, color: 'salmon' },
{ id: 5, color: 'gold' }
var fragment = root();
var button = $.first_child(fragment);
button.__click = [handleClick, things];
var div = $.sibling(button, 2);
var div_1 = $.child(div);
var node = $.sibling($.child(div_1), 2);
$.each(node, 17, () => $.get(things), (thing) =>, ($$anchor, thing) => {
Thing($$anchor, {
get current() {
return $.get(thing).color;
result = svelte.compile(source, {
generate: ,
/* Add a <style> tag to see the CSS output */
Root {
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- js: []
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Attribute {...}
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- type: "ExpressionTag"
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- end: 324
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start: {...}
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}- name: "handleClick"
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (1)
Text {...}
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- end: 345
- raw: "Remove first thing"
- data: "Remove first thing"
} Text {...}
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- data: " "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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VariableDeclarator {...}
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start: {...}
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- line: 6
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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- line: 13
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}callee: MemberExpression {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
- line: 13
- column: 24
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]- optional: false
]- sourceType: "module"
}- attributes: []
The AST is not public API and may change at any point in time