This component is not in runes mode.
To enable runes mode, either start using runes in your code, or add the following to the top of your component:
<svelte:options runes />
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(): value type opcode @+13
Root { css: nulljs: []start: 59end: 81type: "Root"fragment: Fragment {...} type: "Fragment"nodes: [...] (2) Text {...} type: "Text"start: 57end: 59raw: "\n\n"data: "\n\n" } Component {...} type: "Component"start: 59end: 81name: "Nested"attributes: [...] (1) Attribute {...} type: "Attribute"start: 67end: 78name: "answer"value: ExpressionTag {...} type: "ExpressionTag"start: 74end: 78expression: Literal {...} type: "Literal"start: 75end: 77loc: {...} start: {...} line: 5column: 16 }end: {...} line: 5column: 18 } }value: 42raw: "42" } } } ]fragment: Fragment {...} type: "Fragment"nodes: [] } } ] }options: nullinstance: Script {...} type: "Script"start: 0end: 57context: "default"content: Program {...} type: "Program"start: 8end: 48loc: {...} start: {...} line: 1column: 0 }end: {...} line: 3column: 0 } }body: [...] (1) ImportDeclaration {...} type: "ImportDeclaration"start: 10end: 47loc: {...} start: {...} line: 2column: 1 }end: {...} line: 2column: 38 } }specifiers: [...] (1) ImportDefaultSpecifier {...} type: "ImportDefaultSpecifier"start: 17end: 23loc: {...} start: {...} line: 2column: 8 }end: {...} line: 2column: 14 } }local: Identifier {...} type: "Identifier"start: 17end: 23loc: {...} start: {...} line: 2column: 8 }end: {...} line: 2column: 14 } }name: "Nested" } } ]source: Literal {...} type: "Literal"start: 29end: 46loc: {...} start: {...} line: 2column: 20 }end: {...} line: 2column: 37 } }value: "./Nested.svelte"raw: "'./Nested.svelte'" } } ]sourceType: "module" }attributes: [] } }