Create new
Component composition
Context API
Special elements
Module context
This component is in runes mode.
To disable runes mode, add the following to the top of your component:
<svelte:options runes={false} />
import { quintOut } from 'svelte/easing';
import { fade, draw, fly } from 'svelte/transition';
import { expand } from './custom-transitions.js';
import { inner, outer } from './shape.js';
let visible = $state(true);
{#if visible}
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 103 124">
<g out:fade={{ duration: 200 }} opacity="0.2">
in:expand={{ duration: 400, delay: 1000, easing: quintOut }}
style="stroke: #ff3e00; fill: #ff3e00; stroke-width: 50;"
<path in:draw={{ duration: 1000 }} style="stroke:#ff3e00; stroke-width: 1.5" d={inner} />
<div class="centered" out:fly={{ y: -20, duration: 800 }}>
{#each 'SVELTE' as char, i}
<span in:fade|global={{ delay: 1000 + i * 150, duration: 800 }}>{char}</span>
<input type="checkbox" bind:checked={visible} />
toggle me
<link href=",400" rel="stylesheet" />
Error compiling component
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(): value type opcode @+13
import 'svelte/internal/disclose-version';
import * as $ from 'svelte/internal/client';
import { quintOut } from 'svelte/easing';
import { fade, draw, fly } from 'svelte/transition';
import { expand } from './custom-transitions.js';
import { inner, outer } from './shape.js';
var root_2 = $.template(`<span class="svelte-81eh3v"> </span>`);
var root_1 = $.template(`<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 103 124" class="svelte-81eh3v"><g opacity="0.2"><path style="stroke: #ff3e00; fill: #ff3e00; stroke-width: 50;" class="svelte-81eh3v"></path><path style="stroke:#ff3e00; stroke-width: 1.5" class="svelte-81eh3v"></path></g></svg> <div class="centered svelte-81eh3v"></div>`, 1);
var root = $.template(`<!> <label class="svelte-81eh3v"><input type="checkbox"> toggle me</label> <link href=",400" rel="stylesheet">`, 1);
export default function App($$anchor) {
let visible = $.state(true);
var fragment = root();
var node = $.first_child(fragment);
var consequent = ($$anchor) => {
var fragment_1 = root_1();
var svg = $.first_child(fragment_1);
var g = $.child(svg);
var path = $.child(g);
$.set_attribute(path, 'd', outer);
var path_1 = $.sibling(path);
$.set_attribute(path_1, 'd', inner);
var div = $.sibling(svg, 2);
$.each(div, 20, () => 'SVELTE', $.index, ($$anchor, char, i) => {
var span = root_2();
var text = $.child(span, true);
result = svelte.compile(source, {
generate: ,
svg.svelte-81eh3v {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
path.svelte-81eh3v {
fill: white;
opacity: 1;
label.svelte-81eh3v {
position: absolute;
top: 1em;
left: 1em;
.centered.svelte-81eh3v {
font-size: 20vw;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
font-family: 'Overpass';
letter-spacing: 0.12em;
color: #676778;
font-weight: 400;
.centered.svelte-81eh3v span:where(.svelte-81eh3v) {
will-change: filter;
Root {
css: StyleSheet {...}
- type: "StyleSheet"
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Rule {...}
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- type: "SelectorList"
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- end: 1012
children: [...] (1)
ComplexSelector {...}
- type: "ComplexSelector"
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- end: 1012
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RelativeSelector {...}
- type: "RelativeSelector"
- combinator: null
selectors: [...] (1)
TypeSelector {...}
- type: "TypeSelector"
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- end: 1012
]- start: 1009
- end: 1012
}block: Block {...}
- type: "Block"
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- value: "100%"
} Declaration {...}
- type: "Declaration"
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- end: 1044
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}- start: 1009
- end: 1048
} Rule {...}
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- type: "SelectorList"
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TypeSelector {...}
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]- start: 1051
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} Declaration {...}
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} Rule {...}
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ComplexSelector {...}
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TypeSelector {...}
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]- start: 1092
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Declaration {...}
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} Declaration {...}
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} Declaration {...}
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ComplexSelector {...}
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]- start: 1152
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} Declaration {...}
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} Declaration {...}
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- value: "50%"
} Declaration {...}
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} Declaration {...}
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- value: "translate(-50%, -50%)"
} Declaration {...}
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- value: "'Overpass'"
} Declaration {...}
- type: "Declaration"
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- value: "0.12em"
} Declaration {...}
- type: "Declaration"
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- end: 1335
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- value: "#676778"
} Declaration {...}
- type: "Declaration"
- start: 1339
- end: 1355
- property: "font-weight"
- value: "400"
}- start: 1152
- end: 1359
} Rule {...}
- type: "Rule"
prelude: SelectorList {...}
- type: "SelectorList"
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- end: 1376
children: [...] (1)
ComplexSelector {...}
- type: "ComplexSelector"
- start: 1362
- end: 1376
children: [...] (2)
RelativeSelector {...}
- type: "RelativeSelector"
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selectors: [...] (1)
ClassSelector {...}
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]- start: 1362
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} RelativeSelector {...}
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TypeSelector {...}
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]- start: 1371
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Declaration {...}
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- styles: "\n\tsvg {\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\theight: 100%;\n\t}\n\n\tpath {\n\t\tfill: white;\n\t\topacity: 1;\n\t}\n\n\tlabel {\n\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\ttop: 1em;\n\t\tleft: 1em;\n\t}\n\n\t.centered {\n\t\tfont-size: 20vw;\n\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\tleft: 50%;\n\t\ttop: 50%;\n\t\ttransform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n\t\tfont-family: 'Overpass';\n\t\tletter-spacing: 0.12em;\n\t\tcolor: #676778;\n\t\tfont-weight: 400;\n\t}\n\n\t.centered span {\n\t\twill-change: filter;\n\t}\n"
- comment: null
}- js: []
- start: 242
- end: 998
- type: "Root"
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- type: "Fragment"
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Text {...}
- type: "Text"
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- end: 242
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- data: "\n\n"
} IfBlock {...}
- type: "IfBlock"
- elseif: false
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- end: 828
test: Identifier {...}
- type: "Identifier"
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- end: 254
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start: {...}
- line: 10
- column: 5
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- line: 10
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}- name: "visible"
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Text {...}
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- end: 257
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- data: "\n\t"
} RegularElement {...}
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attributes: [...] (3)
Attribute {...}
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Text {...}
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- data: "0 0 103 124"
} Attribute {...}
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value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
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Text {...}
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- data: "\n\t\t"
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 322
- end: 624
- name: "g"
attributes: [...] (2)
TransitionDirective {...}
- start: 325
- end: 353
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- end: 352
loc: {...}
start: {...}
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- line: 12
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Property {...}
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- end: 350
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 12
- column: 17
}end: {...}
- line: 12
- column: 30
}- method: false
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key: Identifier {...}
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- start: 337
- end: 345
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 12
- column: 17
}end: {...}
- line: 12
- column: 25
}- name: "duration"
}value: Literal {...}
- type: "Literal"
- start: 347
- end: 350
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 12
- column: 27
}end: {...}
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}- modifiers: []
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- outro: true
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 354
- end: 367
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value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 363
- end: 366
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- data: "0.2"
]fragment: Fragment {...}
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Text {...}
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- data: "\n\t\t\t"
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 372
- end: 524
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attributes: [...] (4)
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- start: 382
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- type: "ObjectExpression"
- start: 393
- end: 441
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 14
- column: 15
}end: {...}
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Property {...}
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start: {...}
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- start: 395
- end: 403
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 14
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}end: {...}
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 14
- column: 27
}end: {...}
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}- kind: "init"
} Property {...}
- type: "Property"
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 14
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- line: 14
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
- line: 14
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
- line: 14
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- line: 14
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start: {...}
- line: 14
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} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 447
- end: 504
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value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- start: 454
- end: 503
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} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 509
- end: 518
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- type: "ExpressionTag"
- start: 511
- end: 518
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- type: "Identifier"
- start: 512
- end: 517
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 16
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- line: 16
- column: 12
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} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: -1
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value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
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- raw: "svelte-81eh3v"
- start: -1
- end: -1
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
- nodes: []
} Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 524
- end: 528
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- data: " "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
- start: 528
- end: 617
- name: "path"
attributes: [...] (4)
TransitionDirective {...}
- start: 534
- end: 562
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- type: "ObjectExpression"
- start: 543
- end: 561
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 18
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}end: {...}
- line: 18
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Property {...}
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start: {...}
- line: 18
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- line: 18
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- start: 545
- end: 553
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 18
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}end: {...}
- line: 18
- column: 28
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- start: 555
- end: 559
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start: {...}
- line: 18
- column: 30
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} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 563
- end: 604
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value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
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Text {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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The AST is not public API and may change at any point in time