Create new
Component composition
Context API
Special elements
Module context
This component is not in runes mode.
To enable runes mode, either start using runes in your code, or add the following to the top of your component:
<svelte:options runes />
import * as Pancake from '@sveltejs/pancake';
import points from './points.js';
<div class="chart">
<Pancake.Chart x1={1979} x2={2016} y1={0} y2={8}>
<Pancake.Grid horizontal count={5} let:value let:first>
<div class="grid-line horizontal" class:first><span>{value}</span></div>
<Pancake.Grid vertical count={10} let:value>
<div class="grid-line vertical"></div>
<span class="year-label">{value}</span>
<Pancake.SvgScatterplot data={points} x="{d => d.myX}" y="{d => d.myY}" let:d>
<path class="data" {d}/>
<Pancake.Quadtree data={points} x="{d => d.myX}" y="{d => d.myY}" let:closest>
{#if closest}
<Pancake.SvgPoint x={closest.myX} y={closest.myY} let:d>
<path class="highlight" d={d}/>
.chart {
height: 200px;
padding: 3em 0 2em 2em;
import 'svelte/internal/disclose-version';
import 'svelte/internal/flags/legacy';
import * as $ from 'svelte/internal/client';
import * as Pancake from '@sveltejs/pancake';
import points from './points.js';
var root_2 = $.template(`<div><span class="svelte-17e4q0"> </span></div>`);
var root_3 = $.template(`<div class="grid-line vertical svelte-17e4q0"></div> <span class="year-label svelte-17e4q0"> </span>`, 1);
var root_5 = $.ns_template(`<path class="data svelte-17e4q0"></path>`);
var root_8 = $.ns_template(`<path class="highlight svelte-17e4q0"></path>`);
var root_4 = $.template(`<!> <!>`, 1);
var root_1 = $.template(`<!> <!> <!>`, 1);
var root = $.template(`<div class="chart svelte-17e4q0"><!></div>`);
export default function App($$anchor) {
var div = root();
var node = $.child(div);
Pancake.Chart(node, {
x1: 1979,
x2: 2016,
y1: 0,
y2: 8,
children: ($$anchor, $$slotProps) => {
var fragment = root_1();
var node_1 = $.first_child(fragment);
Pancake.Grid(node_1, {
horizontal: true,
count: 5,
children: $.invalid_default_snippet,
$$slots: {
default: ($$anchor, $$slotProps) => {
const value = $.derived_safe_equal(() => $$slotProps.value);
const first = $.derived_safe_equal(() => $$slotProps.first);
var div_1 = root_2();
result = svelte.compile(source, {
generate: ,
.chart.svelte-17e4q0 {
height: 200px;
padding: 3em 0 2em 2em;
margin: 0 0 36px 0;
.grid-line.svelte-17e4q0 {
position: relative;
display: block;
.grid-line.horizontal.svelte-17e4q0 {
width: calc(100% + 2em);
left: -2em;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #ccc;
.grid-line.vertical.svelte-17e4q0 {
height: 100%;
border-left: 1px dashed #ccc;
.grid-line.first.svelte-17e4q0 {
border-bottom: 1px solid #333;
.grid-line.svelte-17e4q0 span:where(.svelte-17e4q0) {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
bottom: 2px;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
color: #999;
Root {
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- end: 950
children: [...] (1)
ComplexSelector {...}
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RelativeSelector {...}
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ClassSelector {...}
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]- start: 944
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} ClassSelector {...}
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} Declaration {...}
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}- start: 1185
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} Rule {...}
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children: [...] (1)
ComplexSelector {...}
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ClassSelector {...}
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} ClassSelector {...}
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]- start: 1260
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Declaration {...}
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} Rule {...}
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]- start: 1317
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TypeSelector {...}
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]- start: 1327
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} Declaration {...}
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ClassSelector {...}
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]- start: 1449
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} Declaration {...}
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} Declaration {...}
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} Declaration {...}
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} Declaration {...}
- type: "Declaration"
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- value: "center"
}- start: 1449
- end: 1615
} Rule {...}
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- end: 1627
children: [...] (1)
ComplexSelector {...}
- type: "ComplexSelector"
- start: 1618
- end: 1627
children: [...] (1)
RelativeSelector {...}
- type: "RelativeSelector"
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selectors: [...] (2)
TypeSelector {...}
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- end: 1622
} ClassSelector {...}
- type: "ClassSelector"
- name: "data"
- start: 1622
- end: 1627
]- start: 1618
- end: 1627
}block: Block {...}
- type: "Block"
- start: 1628
- end: 1746
children: [...] (5)
Declaration {...}
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- end: 1656
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- value: "rgb(171, 0, 214)"
} Declaration {...}
- type: "Declaration"
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- end: 1682
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- value: "round"
} Declaration {...}
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- value: "round"
} Declaration {...}
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} Declaration {...}
- type: "Declaration"
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- end: 1742
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- value: "none"
}- start: 1618
- end: 1746
} Rule {...}
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prelude: SelectorList {...}
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- end: 1763
children: [...] (1)
ComplexSelector {...}
- type: "ComplexSelector"
- start: 1749
- end: 1763
children: [...] (1)
RelativeSelector {...}
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selectors: [...] (2)
TypeSelector {...}
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- end: 1753
} ClassSelector {...}
- type: "ClassSelector"
- name: "highlight"
- start: 1753
- end: 1763
]- start: 1749
- end: 1763
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- end: 1883
children: [...] (5)
Declaration {...}
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} Declaration {...}
- type: "Declaration"
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} Declaration {...}
- type: "Declaration"
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} Declaration {...}
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} Declaration {...}
- type: "Declaration"
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- value: "none"
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- end: 1883
]content: {...}
- start: 942
- end: 1884
- styles: "\n\t.chart {\n\t\theight: 200px;\n\t\tpadding: 3em 0 2em 2em;\n\t\tmargin: 0 0 36px 0;\n\t}\n\n\t.grid-line {\n\t\tposition: relative;\n\t\tdisplay: block;\n\t}\n\n\t.grid-line.horizontal {\n\t\twidth: calc(100% + 2em);\n\t\tleft: -2em;\n\t\tborder-bottom: 1px dashed #ccc;\n\t}\n\n\t.grid-line.vertical {\n\t\theight: 100%;\n\t\tborder-left: 1px dashed #ccc;\n\t}\n\n\t.grid-line.first {\n\t\tborder-bottom: 1px solid #333;\n\t}\n\n\t.grid-line span {\n\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\tleft: 0;\n\t\tbottom: 2px;\n\t\tfont-family: sans-serif;\n\t\tfont-size: 14px;\n\t\tcolor: #999;\n\t}\n\n\t.year-label {\n\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\twidth: 4em;\n\t\tleft: -2em;\n\t\tbottom: -22px;\n\t\tfont-family: sans-serif;\n\t\tfont-size: 14px;\n\t\tcolor: #999;\n\t\ttext-align: center;\n\t}\n\n\ {\n\t\tstroke: rgb(171, 0, 214);\n\t\tstroke-linejoin: round;\n\t\tstroke-linecap: round;\n\t\tstroke-width: 6px;\n\t\tfill: none;\n\t}\n\n\tpath.highlight {\n\t\tstroke: rgb(171, 0, 214);\n\t\tstroke-linejoin: round;\n\t\tstroke-linecap: round;\n\t\tstroke-width: 10px;\n\t\tfill: none;\n\t}\n"
- comment: null
}- js: []
- start: 102
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- type: "Root"
fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (3)
Text {...}
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} RegularElement {...}
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attributes: [...] (1)
Attribute {...}
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value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
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- end: 119
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- raw: "chart"
- data: "chart"
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (3)
Text {...}
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- end: 123
- raw: "\n\t"
- data: "\n\t"
} Component {...}
- type: "Component"
- start: 123
- end: 926
- name: "Pancake.Chart"
attributes: [...] (4)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
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value: ExpressionTag {...}
- type: "ExpressionTag"
- start: 141
- end: 147
expression: Literal {...}
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- start: 142
- end: 146
loc: {...}
start: {...}
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}end: {...}
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- column: 24
}- value: 1979
- raw: "1979"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 148
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value: ExpressionTag {...}
- type: "ExpressionTag"
- start: 151
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expression: Literal {...}
- type: "Literal"
- start: 152
- end: 156
loc: {...}
start: {...}
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}end: {...}
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}- value: 2016
- raw: "2016"
} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 158
- end: 164
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value: ExpressionTag {...}
- type: "ExpressionTag"
- start: 161
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expression: Literal {...}
- type: "Literal"
- start: 162
- end: 163
loc: {...}
start: {...}
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}end: {...}
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}- value: 0
- raw: "0"
} Attribute {...}
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value: ExpressionTag {...}
- type: "ExpressionTag"
- start: 168
- end: 171
expression: Literal {...}
- type: "Literal"
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
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}end: {...}
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Text {...}
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- data: "\n\t\t"
} Component {...}
- type: "Component"
- start: 175
- end: 324
- name: "Pancake.Grid"
attributes: [...] (4)
Attribute {...}
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- start: 189
- end: 199
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} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
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Text {...}
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Attribute {...}
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Text {...}
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RegularElement {...}
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Attribute {...}
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Text {...}
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ExpressionTag {...}
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start: {...}
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} Component {...}
- type: "Component"
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attributes: [...] (3)
Attribute {...}
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} Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
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start: {...}
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The AST is not public API and may change at any point in time