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Module context
This component is not in runes mode.
To enable runes mode, either start using runes in your code, or add the following to the top of your component:
<svelte:options runes />
let isForRealz = false;
let isForRealzObj = {value: false};
function makeTrue() {
isForRealz = true;
isForRealzObj.value = true;
$: if (isForRealz) console.log(, "isForRealz became true");
$: if (isForRealzObj.value) console.log(, "isForRealzObj became true");
click the button multiple times, why does the second console keep firing?
<h4>isForRealz: {isForRealz && isForRealzObj.value}</h4>
<button on:click={makeTrue}>click and watch the console</button>
import 'svelte/internal/disclose-version';
import 'svelte/internal/flags/legacy';
import * as $ from 'svelte/internal/client';
var root = $.template(`<p>click the button multiple times, why does the second console keep firing?</p> <h4> </h4> <button>click and watch the console</button>`, 1);
export default function App($$anchor, $$props) {
$.push($$props, false);
let isForRealz = $.mutable_state(false);
let isForRealzObj = $.mutable_state({ value: false });
function makeTrue() {
$.set(isForRealz, true);
$.mutate(isForRealzObj, $.get(isForRealzObj).value = true);
$.legacy_pre_effect(() => ($.get(isForRealz)), () => {
if ($.get(isForRealz)) console.log(, "isForRealz became true");
$.legacy_pre_effect(() => ($.get(isForRealzObj)), () => {
if ($.get(isForRealzObj).value) console.log(, "isForRealzObj became true");
var fragment = root();
var h4 = $.sibling($.first_child(fragment), 2);
var text = $.child(h4);
var button = $.sibling(h4, 2);
$.template_effect(() => $.set_text(text, `isForRealz: ${($.get(isForRealz) && $.get(isForRealzObj).value) ?? ''}`));
result = svelte.compile(source, {
generate: ,
/* Add a <style> tag to see the CSS output */
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The AST is not public API and may change at any point in time