Create new
Component composition
Context API
Special elements
Module context
This component is not in runes mode.
To enable runes mode, either start using runes in your code, or add the following to the top of your component:
<svelte:options runes />
This is an example of making shapes that remain the same size regardless of zoom in a Leaflet map.
Original blog post here:
Any questions? Ask me at dimfeld on Twitter!
Thanks to for the icons used here.
import L from 'leaflet';
import MapToolbar from './MapToolbar.svelte';
import makeLineCoordinates from './shapes';
let map;
const markerLocations = [
[29.8283, -96.5795],
[37.8283, -90.5795],
[43.8283, -102.5795],
[48.40, -122.5795],
[43.60, -79.5795],
[36.8283, -100.5795],
[38.40, -122.5795],
// Length of the sides of the arrow
let arrowSideLength = 30;
// The angle of the arrow sides from the tip
let arrowSideAngle = 8;
// How far apart to space multiple arrows.
let minArrowSpacing = 250;
$: arrowParams = {
arrowSideAngle: Math.PI / arrowSideAngle,
Error Svelte error: component_api_invalid_new Attempted to instantiate MapToolbar.svelte with `new MapToolbar`, which is no longer valid in Svelte 5. If this component is not under your control, set the `compatibility.componentApi` compiler option to `4` to keep it working. at component_api_invalid_new (playground:output:167:18) at check_target (playground:output:3561:4) at new MapToolbar (playground:output:18682:3) at App.toolbar.onAdd (playground:output:18891:23) at NewClass.addTo (playground:output:8998:45) at mapAction (playground:output:18915:12) at eval (playground:output:18972:40) at eval (playground:output:3593:32) at untrack (playground:output:2862:11) at eval (playground:output:3593:18)
import 'svelte/internal/disclose-version';
import 'svelte/internal/flags/legacy';
import * as $ from 'svelte/internal/client';
This is an example of making shapes that remain the same size regardless of zoom in a Leaflet map.
Original blog post here:
Any questions? Ask me at dimfeld on Twitter!
Thanks to for the icons used here.
import L from 'leaflet';
import MapToolbar from './MapToolbar.svelte';
import makeLineCoordinates from './shapes';
var root = $.template(`<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha512-xwE/Az9zrjBIphAcBb3F6JVqxf46+CDLwfLMHloNu6KEQCAWi6HcDUbeOfBIptF7tcCzusKFjFw2yuvEpDL9wQ==" crossorigin=""> <div class="map svelte-6dmjjf" style="height:100%;width:100%"></div>`, 1);
export default function App($$anchor, $$props) {
$.push($$props, false);
const arrowParams = $.mutable_state();
let map;
const markerLocations = [
[29.8283, -96.5795],
[37.8283, -90.5795],
[43.8283, -102.5795],
[48.40, -122.5795],
[43.60, -79.5795],
[36.8283, -100.5795],
[38.40, -122.5795]
// Length of the sides of the arrow
let arrowSideLength = $.mutable_state(30);
// The angle of the arrow sides from the tip
result = svelte.compile(source, {
generate: ,
.map.svelte-6dmjjf .marker-text {
.map.svelte-6dmjjf .map-marker {
transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(-25%);
Root {
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} ImportDeclaration {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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]- kind: "let"
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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} UnaryExpression {...}
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start: {...}
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- line: 19
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Literal {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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- line: 22
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start: {...}
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} ArrayExpression {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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}arguments: [...] (1)
BinaryExpression {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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The AST is not public API and may change at any point in time