Create new
Component composition
Context API
Special elements
Module context
This component is in runes mode.
To disable runes mode, add the following to the top of your component:
<svelte:options runes={false} />
import Butterfly from './Butterfly.svelte';
let count = $state(0);
let doubled = $derived(count * 2);
let quadrupled = $derived(doubled * 2);
let octupled = $derived(quadrupled * 2);
function flap() {
count += 1;
$effect(() => {
// Because of this line, clicking the butterfly will cause information
// to be logged to the console about which state changed to cause
// the effect to re-run. (note: stack traces are better
// outside the playground!)
if (octupled > 20) {
alert('The flapping of the wings of a butterfly can be felt on the other side of the world.')
<Butterfly onflap={() => count += 1} />
Error compiling component
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(): value type opcode @+13
import "svelte/internal/disclose-version";
import * as $ from "svelte/internal/client";
import Butterfly from './Butterfly.svelte';
export default function App($$anchor, $$props) {
$.push($$props, true);
let count = $.state(0);
let doubled = $.derived(() => $.get(count) * 2);
let quadrupled = $.derived(() => $.get(doubled) * 2);
let octupled = $.derived(() => $.get(quadrupled) * 2);
function flap() {
$.set(count, $.get(count) + 1);
$.user_effect(() => {
if ($.get(octupled) > 20) {
alert('The flapping of the wings of a butterfly can be felt on the other side of the world.');
Butterfly($$anchor, {
onflap: () => $.set(count, $.get(count) + 1)
result = svelte.compile(source, {
generate: ,
/* Add a <style> tag to see the CSS output */
Root {
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- js: []
- start: 646
- end: 685
- type: "Root"
fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
nodes: [...] (2)
Text {...}
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- end: 646
- raw: "\n\n"
- data: "\n\n"
} Component {...}
- type: "Component"
- start: 646
- end: 685
- name: "Butterfly"
attributes: [...] (1)
Attribute {...}
- type: "Attribute"
- start: 657
- end: 682
- name: "onflap"
value: ExpressionTag {...}
- type: "ExpressionTag"
- start: 664
- end: 682
expression: ArrowFunctionExpression {...}
- type: "ArrowFunctionExpression"
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start: {...}
- line: 26
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}end: {...}
- line: 26
- column: 35
}- id: null
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- generator: false
- async: false
- params: []
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 26
- column: 25
}end: {...}
- line: 26
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}- operator: "+="
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 26
- column: 25
}end: {...}
- line: 26
- column: 30
}- name: "count"
}right: Literal {...}
- type: "Literal"
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 26
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}end: {...}
- line: 26
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}- value: 1
- raw: "1"
]fragment: Fragment {...}
- type: "Fragment"
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}- options: null
instance: Script {...}
- type: "Script"
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- line: 1
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}end: {...}
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ImportDeclaration {...}
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- line: 2
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}specifiers: [...] (1)
ImportDefaultSpecifier {...}
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start: {...}
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- line: 2
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start: {...}
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- line: 2
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}- name: "Butterfly"
]source: Literal {...}
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start: {...}
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}- value: "./Butterfly.svelte"
- raw: "'./Butterfly.svelte'"
} VariableDeclaration {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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}- name: "count"
}init: CallExpression {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
- line: 4
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}end: {...}
- line: 4
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Literal {...}
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start: {...}
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- line: 4
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]- optional: false
]- kind: "let"
} VariableDeclaration {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
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}- name: "doubled"
}init: CallExpression {...}
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start: {...}
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start: {...}
- line: 5
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}end: {...}
- line: 5
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}- name: "$derived"
}arguments: [...] (1)
BinaryExpression {...}
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start: {...}
- line: 5
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- line: 5
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start: {...}
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- line: 5
- column: 29
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}- operator: "*"
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start: {...}
- line: 5
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- line: 5
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- raw: "2"
]- optional: false
]- kind: "let"
} VariableDeclaration {...}
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start: {...}
- line: 6
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}end: {...}
- line: 6
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}declarations: [...] (1)
VariableDeclarator {...}
- type: "VariableDeclarator"
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start: {...}
- line: 6
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}end: {...}
- line: 6
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- end: 131
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start: {...}
- line: 6
- column: 5
}end: {...}
- line: 6
- column: 15
}- name: "quadrupled"
}init: CallExpression {...}
- type: "CallExpression"
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 6
- column: 18
}end: {...}
- line: 6
- column: 39
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- type: "Identifier"
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start: {...}
- line: 6
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}end: {...}
- line: 6
- column: 26
}- name: "$derived"
}arguments: [...] (1)
BinaryExpression {...}
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start: {...}
- line: 6
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}end: {...}
- line: 6
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- end: 150
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start: {...}
- line: 6
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- line: 6
- column: 34
}- name: "doubled"
}- operator: "*"
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- type: "Literal"
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start: {...}
- line: 6
- column: 37
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- line: 6
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]- optional: false
]- kind: "let"
} VariableDeclaration {...}
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start: {...}
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VariableDeclarator {...}
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start: {...}
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- line: 7
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start: {...}
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- line: 7
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}init: CallExpression {...}
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start: {...}
- line: 7
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- line: 7
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start: {...}
- line: 7
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- line: 7
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BinaryExpression {...}
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start: {...}
- line: 7
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}end: {...}
- line: 7
- column: 39
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- type: "Identifier"
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- end: 192
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 7
- column: 25
}end: {...}
- line: 7
- column: 35
}- name: "quadrupled"
}- operator: "*"
right: Literal {...}
- type: "Literal"
- start: 195
- end: 196
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 7
- column: 38
}end: {...}
- line: 7
- column: 39
}- value: 2
- raw: "2"
]- optional: false
]- kind: "let"
} FunctionDeclaration {...}
- type: "FunctionDeclaration"
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 9
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- line: 11
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- type: "Identifier"
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- end: 214
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 9
- column: 10
}end: {...}
- line: 9
- column: 14
}- name: "flap"
}- expression: false
- generator: false
- async: false
- params: []
body: BlockStatement {...}
- type: "BlockStatement"
- start: 217
- end: 235
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 9
- column: 17
}end: {...}
- line: 11
- column: 2
}body: [...] (1)
ExpressionStatement {...}
- type: "ExpressionStatement"
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 10
- column: 2
}end: {...}
- line: 10
- column: 13
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- type: "AssignmentExpression"
- start: 221
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 10
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}end: {...}
- line: 10
- column: 12
}- operator: "+="
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- type: "Identifier"
- start: 221
- end: 226
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 10
- column: 2
}end: {...}
- line: 10
- column: 7
}- name: "count"
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start: {...}
- line: 10
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- line: 10
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- raw: "1"
} ExpressionStatement {...}
- type: "ExpressionStatement"
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start: {...}
- line: 13
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}end: {...}
- line: 23
- column: 4
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- type: "CallExpression"
- start: 238
- end: 633
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 13
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- line: 23
- column: 3
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- type: "Identifier"
- start: 238
- end: 245
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 13
- column: 1
}end: {...}
- line: 13
- column: 8
}- name: "$effect"
}arguments: [...] (1)
ArrowFunctionExpression {...}
- type: "ArrowFunctionExpression"
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start: {...}
- line: 13
- column: 9
}end: {...}
- line: 23
- column: 2
}- id: null
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- generator: false
- async: false
- params: []
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- type: "BlockStatement"
- start: 252
- end: 632
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 13
- column: 15
}end: {...}
- line: 23
- column: 2
}body: [...] (2)
ExpressionStatement {...}
- type: "ExpressionStatement"
- start: 485
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 18
- column: 2
}end: {...}
- line: 18
- column: 19
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- type: "CallExpression"
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start: {...}
- line: 18
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- line: 18
- column: 18
}callee: MemberExpression {...}
- type: "MemberExpression"
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start: {...}
- line: 18
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}end: {...}
- line: 18
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- type: "Identifier"
- start: 485
- end: 493
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 18
- column: 2
}end: {...}
- line: 18
- column: 10
}- name: "$inspect"
}property: Identifier {...}
- type: "Identifier"
- start: 494
- end: 499
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 18
- column: 11
}end: {...}
- line: 18
- column: 16
}- name: "trace"
}- computed: false
- optional: false
}- arguments: []
- optional: false
}leadingComments: [...] (4)
Line {...}
- type: "Line"
- value: " Because of this line, clicking the butterfly will cause information"
- start: 256
- end: 326
} Line {...}
- type: "Line"
- value: " to be logged to the console about which state changed to cause"
- start: 329
- end: 394
} Line {...}
- type: "Line"
- value: " the effect to re-run. (note: stack traces are better"
- start: 397
- end: 452
} Line {...}
- type: "Line"
- value: " outside the playground!)"
- start: 455
- end: 482
} IfStatement {...}
- type: "IfStatement"
- start: 508
- end: 629
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 20
- column: 2
}end: {...}
- line: 22
- column: 3
}test: BinaryExpression {...}
- type: "BinaryExpression"
- start: 512
- end: 525
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 20
- column: 6
}end: {...}
- line: 20
- column: 19
}left: Identifier {...}
- type: "Identifier"
- start: 512
- end: 520
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 20
- column: 6
}end: {...}
- line: 20
- column: 14
}- name: "octupled"
}- operator: ">"
right: Literal {...}
- type: "Literal"
- start: 523
- end: 525
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 20
- column: 17
}end: {...}
- line: 20
- column: 19
}- value: 20
- raw: "20"
}consequent: BlockStatement {...}
- type: "BlockStatement"
- start: 527
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 20
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}end: {...}
- line: 22
- column: 3
}body: [...] (1)
ExpressionStatement {...}
- type: "ExpressionStatement"
- start: 532
- end: 625
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 21
- column: 3
}end: {...}
- line: 21
- column: 96
}expression: CallExpression {...}
- type: "CallExpression"
- start: 532
- end: 625
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 21
- column: 3
}end: {...}
- line: 21
- column: 96
}callee: Identifier {...}
- type: "Identifier"
- start: 532
- end: 537
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 21
- column: 3
}end: {...}
- line: 21
- column: 8
}- name: "alert"
}arguments: [...] (1)
Literal {...}
- type: "Literal"
- start: 538
- end: 624
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 21
- column: 9
}end: {...}
- line: 21
- column: 95
}- value: "The flapping of the wings of a butterfly can be felt on the other side of the world."
- raw: "'The flapping of the wings of a butterfly can be felt on the other side of the world.'"
]- optional: false
}- alternate: null
]- optional: false
]- sourceType: "module"
}- attributes: []
The AST is not public API and may change at any point in time