Create new
Component composition
Context API
Special elements
Module context
This component is not in runes mode.
To enable runes mode, either start using runes in your code, or add the following to the top of your component:
<svelte:options runes />
import { tweened } from "svelte/motion"
import { rebalance } from "./rebalance";
let value = 300;
let text = 'Visual artists, poets, and musicians are releasing free content online faster than ever before. There is an athleticism to these aesthetic outpourings, with artists taking on the creative act as a way of exercising other muscle groups, bodybuilding a personal brand or self-mythology, a concept or a formal vocabulary. Images, music, and words become drips in a pool of art sweat, puddling online for all to view. The long-derided notion of the “masterpiece” has reached its logical antithesis with the aesthlete: a cultural producer who trumps craft and contemplative brooding with immediacy and rapid production.';
let tw = tweened(1, { duration: 2000 });
setInterval(() => {
}, 2500)
$: amt = ~~($tw * (text.length / 4))
$: abbreviated = text.slice(0, amt) + '...';
<label style="display:flex; align-items: center; gap: 1em">container width
<input type="range" min={50} max={500} bind:value />
no rebalancing
import 'svelte/internal/disclose-version';
import 'svelte/internal/flags/legacy';
import * as $ from 'svelte/internal/client';
import { tweened } from "svelte/motion";
import { rebalance } from "./rebalance";
var root = $.template(`<label style="display:flex; align-items: center; gap: 1em">container width <input type="range"></label> <section class="svelte-15852zx"><h1>no rebalancing</h1> <div class="container svelte-15852zx"> </div></section> <section class="svelte-15852zx"><h1>with rebalancing</h1> <div class="container svelte-15852zx"><div> </div></div></section>`, 1);
export default function App($$anchor, $$props) {
$.push($$props, false);
const [$$stores, $$cleanup] = $.setup_stores();
const $tw = () => $.store_get(tw, '$tw', $$stores);
const amt = $.mutable_state();
const abbreviated = $.mutable_state();
let value = $.mutable_state(300);
let text = 'Visual artists, poets, and musicians are releasing free content online faster than ever before. There is an athleticism to these aesthetic outpourings, with artists taking on the creative act as a way of exercising other muscle groups, bodybuilding a personal brand or self-mythology, a concept or a formal vocabulary. Images, music, and words become drips in a pool of art sweat, puddling online for all to view. The long-derided notion of the “masterpiece” has reached its logical antithesis with the aesthlete: a cultural producer who trumps craft and contemplative brooding with immediacy and rapid production.';
let tw = tweened(1, { duration: 2000 });
() => {
$.legacy_pre_effect(() => ($tw()), () => {
$.set(amt, ~~($tw() * (text.length / 4)));
$.legacy_pre_effect(() => ($.get(amt)), () => {
$.set(abbreviated, text.slice(0, $.get(amt)) + '...');
result = svelte.compile(source, {
generate: ,
section.svelte-15852zx {
height: 180px;
.container.svelte-15852zx {
width: var(--width, 200px);
border: 1px solid hsl(217, 10%, 85%);
border-radius: .25rem;
Root {
css: StyleSheet {...}
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Rule {...}
- type: "Rule"
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- type: "SelectorList"
- start: 1427
- end: 1434
children: [...] (1)
ComplexSelector {...}
- type: "ComplexSelector"
- start: 1427
- end: 1434
children: [...] (1)
RelativeSelector {...}
- type: "RelativeSelector"
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selectors: [...] (1)
TypeSelector {...}
- type: "TypeSelector"
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- end: 1434
]- start: 1427
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}block: Block {...}
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Declaration {...}
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- property: "height"
- value: "180px"
}- start: 1427
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} Rule {...}
- type: "Rule"
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children: [...] (1)
ComplexSelector {...}
- type: "ComplexSelector"
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- end: 1468
children: [...] (1)
RelativeSelector {...}
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selectors: [...] (1)
ClassSelector {...}
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Attribute {...}
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start: {...}
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} Attribute {...}
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start: {...}
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- column: 35
}end: {...}
- line: 20
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- raw: "500"
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}- modifiers: []
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} Text {...}
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- data: "\n"
} Text {...}
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- data: " "
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
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attributes: [...] (1)
Attribute {...}
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value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
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- raw: "svelte-15852zx"
- start: -1
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]fragment: Fragment {...}
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nodes: [...] (5)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 1091
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- data: "\n\t"
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
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- end: 1121
- name: "h1"
- attributes: []
fragment: Fragment {...}
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nodes: [...] (1)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
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} Text {...}
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- data: " "
} RegularElement {...}
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attributes: [...] (2)
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value: [...] (2)
ExpressionTag {...}
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- type: "Identifier"
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start: {...}
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} Attribute {...}
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Text {...}
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Text {...}
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start: {...}
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Text {...}
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fragment: Fragment {...}
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nodes: [...] (1)
Text {...}
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- raw: "with rebalancing"
- data: "with rebalancing"
} Text {...}
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- start: 1257
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- raw: " "
- data: " "
} RegularElement {...}
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attributes: [...] (2)
Attribute {...}
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value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
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- end: 1283
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- raw: "container"
- data: "container svelte-15852zx"
} StyleDirective {...}
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value: [...] (2)
ExpressionTag {...}
- type: "ExpressionTag"
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- end: 1310
expression: Identifier {...}
- type: "Identifier"
- start: 1304
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 42
- column: 19
}end: {...}
- line: 42
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}- name: "value"
} Text {...}
- start: 1310
- end: 1312
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]fragment: Fragment {...}
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nodes: [...] (3)
Text {...}
- type: "Text"
- start: 1315
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- data: "\n\t"
} RegularElement {...}
- type: "RegularElement"
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- end: 1399
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attributes: [...] (3)
UseDirective {...}
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- end: 1335
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- name: "rebalance"
- expression: null
- modifiers: []
} StyleDirective {...}
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- type: "StyleDirective"
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value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
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- data: "1rem"
} StyleDirective {...}
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value: [...] (1)
Text {...}
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nodes: [...] (3)
Text {...}
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} ExpressionTag {...}
- type: "ExpressionTag"
- start: 1378
- end: 1391
expression: Identifier {...}
- type: "Identifier"
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 45
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- line: 45
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}- name: "abbreviated"
} Text {...}
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- data: "\n\t"
} Text {...}
- type: "Text"
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- data: "\n"
} Text {...}
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- data: "\n"
} Text {...}
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}- options: null
instance: Script {...}
- type: "Script"
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- end: 941
- context: "default"
content: Program {...}
- type: "Program"
- start: 8
- end: 932
loc: {...}
start: {...}
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}end: {...}
- line: 17
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}body: [...] (8)
ImportDeclaration {...}
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
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ImportSpecifier {...}
- type: "ImportSpecifier"
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- end: 26
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 2
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- line: 2
- column: 17
}imported: Identifier {...}
- type: "Identifier"
- start: 19
- end: 26
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 2
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- line: 2
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}- name: "tweened"
}local: Identifier {...}
- type: "Identifier"
- start: 19
- end: 26
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 2
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}end: {...}
- line: 2
- column: 17
}- name: "tweened"
]source: Literal {...}
- type: "Literal"
- start: 34
- end: 49
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 2
- column: 25
}end: {...}
- line: 2
- column: 40
}- value: "svelte/motion"
- raw: "\"svelte/motion\""
} ImportDeclaration {...}
- type: "ImportDeclaration"
- start: 51
- end: 91
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 3
- column: 1
}end: {...}
- line: 3
- column: 41
}specifiers: [...] (1)
ImportSpecifier {...}
- type: "ImportSpecifier"
- start: 60
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 3
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}end: {...}
- line: 3
- column: 19
}imported: Identifier {...}
- type: "Identifier"
- start: 60
- end: 69
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 3
- column: 10
}end: {...}
- line: 3
- column: 19
}- name: "rebalance"
}local: Identifier {...}
- type: "Identifier"
- start: 60
- end: 69
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 3
- column: 10
}end: {...}
- line: 3
- column: 19
}- name: "rebalance"
]source: Literal {...}
- type: "Literal"
- start: 77
- end: 90
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 3
- column: 27
}end: {...}
- line: 3
- column: 40
}- value: "./rebalance"
- raw: "\"./rebalance\""
} VariableDeclaration {...}
- type: "VariableDeclaration"
- start: 93
- end: 109
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 4
- column: 1
}end: {...}
- line: 4
- column: 17
}declarations: [...] (1)
VariableDeclarator {...}
- type: "VariableDeclarator"
- start: 97
- end: 108
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 4
- column: 5
}end: {...}
- line: 4
- column: 16
}id: Identifier {...}
- type: "Identifier"
- start: 97
- end: 102
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 4
- column: 5
}end: {...}
- line: 4
- column: 10
}- name: "value"
}init: Literal {...}
- type: "Literal"
- start: 105
- end: 108
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 4
- column: 13
}end: {...}
- line: 4
- column: 16
}- value: 300
- raw: "300"
]- kind: "let"
} VariableDeclaration {...}
- type: "VariableDeclaration"
- start: 111
- end: 739
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 5
- column: 1
}end: {...}
- line: 5
- column: 629
}declarations: [...] (1)
VariableDeclarator {...}
- type: "VariableDeclarator"
- start: 115
- end: 738
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 5
- column: 5
}end: {...}
- line: 5
- column: 628
}id: Identifier {...}
- type: "Identifier"
- start: 115
- end: 119
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 5
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}end: {...}
- line: 5
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}init: Literal {...}
- type: "Literal"
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start: {...}
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- line: 5
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}- value: "Visual artists, poets, and musicians are releasing free content online faster than ever before. There is an athleticism to these aesthetic outpourings, with artists taking on the creative act as a way of exercising other muscle groups, bodybuilding a personal brand or self-mythology, a concept or a formal vocabulary. Images, music, and words become drips in a pool of art sweat, puddling online for all to view. The long-derided notion of the “masterpiece” has reached its logical antithesis with the aesthlete: a cultural producer who trumps craft and contemplative brooding with immediacy and rapid production."
- raw: "'Visual artists, poets, and musicians are releasing free content online faster than ever before. There is an athleticism to these aesthetic outpourings, with artists taking on the creative act as a way of exercising other muscle groups, bodybuilding a personal brand or self-mythology, a concept or a formal vocabulary. Images, music, and words become drips in a pool of art sweat, puddling online for all to view. The long-derided notion of the “masterpiece” has reached its logical antithesis with the aesthlete: a cultural producer who trumps craft and contemplative brooding with immediacy and rapid production.'"
]- kind: "let"
} VariableDeclaration {...}
- type: "VariableDeclaration"
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 7
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- line: 7
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}declarations: [...] (1)
VariableDeclarator {...}
- type: "VariableDeclarator"
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start: {...}
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- line: 7
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
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- column: 5
}end: {...}
- line: 7
- column: 7
}- name: "tw"
}init: CallExpression {...}
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- start: 752
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 7
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}end: {...}
- line: 7
- column: 40
}callee: Identifier {...}
- type: "Identifier"
- start: 752
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 7
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}end: {...}
- line: 7
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}- name: "tweened"
}arguments: [...] (2)
Literal {...}
- type: "Literal"
- start: 760
- end: 761
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 7
- column: 18
}end: {...}
- line: 7
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}- value: 1
- raw: "1"
} ObjectExpression {...}
- type: "ObjectExpression"
- start: 763
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 7
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}end: {...}
- line: 7
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}properties: [...] (1)
Property {...}
- type: "Property"
- start: 765
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loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 7
- column: 23
}end: {...}
- line: 7
- column: 37
}- method: false
- shorthand: false
- computed: false
key: Identifier {...}
- type: "Identifier"
- start: 765
- end: 773
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 7
- column: 23
}end: {...}
- line: 7
- column: 31
}- name: "duration"
}value: Literal {...}
- type: "Literal"
- start: 775
- end: 779
loc: {...}
start: {...}
- line: 7
- column: 33
}end: {...}
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The AST is not public API and may change at any point in time