:global([draggable]) {
-ms-touch-action:none; touch-action:none;
-moz-user-select:none; -webkit-user-select:none; -ms-user-select:none; user-select:none;
.Pane {
display:block; position:absolute;
width:1000px; height:1000px;
<script context="module">
import DragDropTouch from 'svelte-drag-drop-touch'
import { asDraggable } from 'svelte-drag-and-drop-actions'
let DraggableX = 20, DraggableY = 20, DraggableWidth = 80, DraggableHeight = 30
let ArenaWidth = 400, ArenaHeight = 400
function onDragMove (x,y, dx,dy) { DraggableX = x; DraggableY = y }
function onDragEnd (x,y, dx,dy) { DraggableX = x; DraggableY = y }
<p style="line-height:150%">
This example illustrates "plain" dragging of a given element within a given
region that is only partially visible and automatically scrolls whenever the
Draggable reaches the border of the visible part.
<div id="Pannable" style="
display:block; position:relative; overflow:scroll;