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In Svelte 5, content can be passed to components in the form of snippets and rendered using render tags.

In legacy mode, content inside component tags is considered slotted content, which can be rendered by the component using a <slot> element:

	import Modal from './Modal.svelte';

<Modal>This is some slotted content</Modal>
<div class="modal">

If you want to render a regular <slot> element, you can use <svelte:element this={'slot'} />.

Named slots

A component can have named slots in addition to the default slot. On the parent side, add a slot="..." attribute to an element, component or <svelte:fragment> directly inside the component tags.

	import Modal from './Modal.svelte';

	let open = true;

{#if open}
		This is some slotted content

		<div slot="buttons">
			<button on:click={() => open = false}>

On the child side, add a corresponding <slot name="..."> element:

<div class="modal">
	<slot name="buttons"></slot>

Fallback content

If no slotted content is provided, a component can define fallback content by putting it inside the <slot> element:

	This will be rendered if no slotted content is provided

Passing data to slotted content

Slots can be rendered zero or more times and can pass values back to the parent using props. The parent exposes the values to the slot template using the let: directive.

The usual shorthand rules apply — let:item is equivalent to let:item={item}, and <slot {item}> is equivalent to <slot item={item}>.

<!-- FancyList.svelte -->
	{#each items as item}
		<li class="fancy">
			<slot prop={item} />

<!-- App.svelte -->
<FancyList {items} let:prop={thing}>

Named slots can also expose values. The let: directive goes on the element with the slot attribute.

<!-- FancyList.svelte -->
	{#each items as item}
		<li class="fancy">
			<slot name="item" {item} />

<slot name="footer" />

<!-- App.svelte -->
<FancyList {items}>
	<div slot="item" let:item>{item.text}</div>
	<p slot="footer">Copyright (c) 2019 Svelte Industries</p>

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