Create new
Component composition
Context API
Special elements
Module context
This component is not in runes mode.
To enable runes mode, either start using runes in your code, or add the following to the top of your component:
<svelte:options runes />
import { createStore } from 'redux'; // Import the redux package
const initialState = {
counter: 0,
posts: [], // Initial state for storing fetched posts
// Reducer function to handle state updates
function reducer(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return { ...state, counter: state.counter + 1 }; // Increment the counter value in the state
return { ...state, counter: state.counter - 1 }; // Decrement the counter value in the state
return { ...state, counter: state.counter + action.payload }; // Increment the counter value in the state by some amount
return { ...state, counter: state.counter - action.payload }; // Decrement the counter value in the state by some amount
return { ...state, counter: 0 }; // Reset the counter value in the state to 0
return { ...state, posts: action.payload }; // Update the posts array in the state with the fetched data
return { ...state, posts: [] }; // Reset posts array
return state; // Return the current state if the action is not recognized
// Store enhancer function to enhance the store capabilities
function storeEnhancer(createStoreApi) {
return function (reducer, initialState) {
const reduxStore = createStoreApi(reducer, initialState);
return {
import 'svelte/internal/disclose-version';
import 'svelte/internal/flags/legacy';
import * as $ from 'svelte/internal/client';
import { createStore } from 'redux'; // Import the redux package
var root_1 = $.template(`<p>Posts empty</p>`);
var root_3 = $.template(`<li> </li>`);
var root_2 = $.template(`<ul></ul>`);
var root = $.template(
`<h1>Counter Demo with Redux and Svelte</h1> <button>-</button> <button>+</button> <br> <input type="text" placeholder="amount"> <button> </button> <button> </button> <br> <button>Reset</button> <button>Reset Amount</button> <br><br> <button>Fetch Posts (by calling API)</button> <button>Reset Posts Data</button> <h2>Posts</h2> <!> <h2>Notes</h2> <pre>All code is in a single file and it's intended like that for learning purposes.<br>Later, you can refactor it into separate module files for better organization.</pre> <pre>What you learn here is:
- Using Redux with Svelte (traditional Redux).
- Multiple reducer types that use payloads or not.
- Reactive binding with a variable attached to input value.
- Fetching data from an API and storing it in Redux state.
Best regards,
Sony AK</pre>`,
export default function App($$anchor, $$props) {
$.push($$props, false);
const [$$stores, $$cleanup] = $.setup_stores();
const $store = () => $.store_get(store, '$store', $$stores);
const initialState = {
counter: 0,
posts: [] // Initial state for storing fetched posts
// Reducer function to handle state updates
function reducer(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
result = svelte.compile(source, {
generate: ,
/* Add a <style> tag to see the CSS output */
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- raw: "What you learn here is:\n- Using Redux with Svelte (traditional Redux).\n- Multiple reducer types that use payloads or not.\n- Reactive binding with a variable attached to input value.\n- Fetching data from an API and storing it in Redux state.\n--\nBest regards,\nSony AK\n"
- data: "What you learn here is:\n- Using Redux with Svelte (traditional Redux).\n- Multiple reducer types that use payloads or not.\n- Reactive binding with a variable attached to input value.\n- Fetching data from an API and storing it in Redux state.\n--\nBest regards,\nSony AK\n"
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- value: " Call the provided function whenever the state changes"
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The AST is not public API and may change at any point in time